IFEHC Free Clinics and Paid Internship
Idaho Falls Employment Health Clinic (IFEHC) does something special that the other 1,893 free and affordable clinics in the non-Coastal West do not do: it provides healthcare to those who are considered too well off to qualify for public aid. In the 19 non-Coastal Western states, 12.4% of people are uninsured. In recognition of this figure, IFEHC suggests donations of $12.40. Taking into account 5.9% transactional fees imposed by vendors and credit card companies (viz, outside IFEHC's control), IFEHC calculates that it would need 322 recurring donors (giving $12.40/month) in order to make the clinic sustainable indefinitely.
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IFEHC Free Clinics and Paid Internship
Idaho Falls Employment Health Clinic
IFEHC Free Clinics and Paid Internship
Idaho Falls Employment Health Clinic (IFEHC) does something special that the other 1,893 free and affordable clinics in the non-Coastal West do not do: it provides healthcare to those who are considered too well off to qualify for public aid. In the 19 non-Coastal Western states, 12.4% of people are uninsured. In recognition of this figure, IFEHC suggests donations of $12.40. Taking into account 5.9% transactional fees imposed by vendors and credit card companies (viz, outside IFEHC's control), IFEHC calculates that it would need 322 recurring donors (giving $12.40/month) in order to make the clinic sustainable indefinitely.